
Technical and Vocational Education and Training in The Asia-Pacific: Practices in East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Australia in 2021

Edited by HwaChoon Park
Issuing Organization
KRIVET(Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training)
2021 East and Southeast Asia UNEVOC Network Consolidation Workshop 1
	04 Jang-soo Ryu, Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET), Republic of Kore
	08 Innovation and Digitization of Technical and Vocational Education and Training for Effective Delivery 
	    / Affero Ismail, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (Malaysia)
	20 Fostering Technical and Vocational Education and Training Innovation under the Perspective of Artificial Intelligence
	   / Wenming Yang, Zhuoya Zhong, Shenzhen Polytechnic (China)
	30 Gender Equity and Equality in Technical and Vocational Education and Training, Mongolia
	   / Tsend-Ayush Sambuu, Vocational Education Training Partnership (Mongolia)
	44 Internationalization of Thai Technical and Vocational Education and Training: A Study on Models and Criteria
	   / Rangsan Thepmondhri, Office of the Vocational Education Commission (Thailand)
2021 East and Southeast Asia UNEVOC Network Consolidation Workshop 2
Keynote Address
	56 Ethical Leadership: Potential Challenges and Implications for the Next Generation of Technical and Vocational Education and Training Leaders
	/ Howard Gordon, University of Nevada-Las Vegas (United States)
	62 Green Skills Development in Vocational Education in the People’s Republic of China
	/ Liu Yufeng, Ministry of Education (China)
	70 Implementation of Skills Development and Professional Development in Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institutes under the Department of Technical and Vocational Education and Training
	/ Pyae Kyaw Thu, Ministry of Science and Technology (Myanmar)
The Global HR Forum 2021 
	78 Youth Self-employment: What Do We Need to Know/Do? 
	/ Chandra Shah, Monash University and Victoria University (Australia) 
	104 Organizing and Editing Team
	105 East and Southeast Asia Cluster Member Centers
The theme of the 2021 workshops was For a New Normal of TVET: Innovation, Equity, and Respect. The main objectives of the workshops were to strengthen the network among the UNEVOC member centers in East and Southeast Asia by sharing recent TVET policies, leaderships, and practices. We could also suggest and discuss for center members further activities.